As men, we take an inventory of “our personal knowledge” and equate it to be a measure of our own worth. What do we know? What can we say is for certain or true? Then whether we realize it or not, we evaluate it; is it enough? Have you ever felt inadequate, uneducated or intimidated? A large part of our ego is built up on that sense of accomplishment, that degree of knowledge that makes us feel intelligent and worthy of the good life and all that comes with it.
Have you ever looked up something on Google and preached it like it was your own just to impress others? Have you lied about where you went to school, what books you’ve read or things you enjoy, just to appear “better” or more “worthy” of that promotion at work or to gain the acceptance of the executives at the office? Let’s ask ourselves, does this really define us as men and as men have we truly done anything to help ourselves to stop “faking it”?
REALITY CHECK. Knowledge is power, but there is no limit to what you “need” to know to qualify to be successful in life. In my experience it’s not what you know, it’s how eager you are to learn more about the subject matter that impacts your own life. All of our friends, family and co-workers respect us, but when is the last time we extended ourselves? Met a new group or individual that challenged our views or what we knew to be true. When is the last time you admitted that you actually didn’t know something? Or if you did admit to not knowing, did you turn around and go and look it up, research it, so that next time you would know what it’s all about? Have you always had dreams, but held back from gaining that knowledge that you actually need to become successful?
Stretch yourself, grow, learn adapt. Darwin’s theory of survival says that it’s those that are able to adapt and change that will continue to thrive and enjoy what they have been given. So stop using education and intelligence as a measure of self-worth through other’s eyes, stop pretending and appreciate your own individual intellect. The promotion and job that fulfils your passion will come as a result of you knowing a lot about that one thing, not a little about a lot of things. Education is important, but there isn’t one recipe for success. Take full advantage of all of the resources to learn out there, fill your mind with knowledge and expand your opportunities in a real and authentic way and watch your life fall into place.
Education means inspiring someone’s mind, not just filling their head. – Katie Lusk
Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power. – Lao-Tzu
- Donovan Mckenzie
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