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Monday, 24 November 2014

Love Yourself

Do you ever wonder how life would be if we learned to love ourselves?  Why doesn’t he love me? Why doesn’t she love me?  Maybe you are too ugly, too fat, and too broke, don’t own the fancy car or the big house on the hill. 

Men, how many times have you told yourself these things on a daily basis?  Felt inadequate, felt like a loser or felt like you were not good enough to get that pretty girl.  Unable to look another human being in the eyes for more than 30 seconds without feeling beneath them.  Going from relationship to relationship and wondering why you settle for less than you deserve?  As men, we are often a product of our environment.  If you didn’t hear positive words from your girl “there is nothing you can’t do,” “look at you, so handsome!” But, instead we heard “you’re ugly,” “I’m out of your league,” or “why are you so stupid?” You will continue to hear that negative voice in your head as you get older.  Whether we want to face the reality or not, it’s how we grow to not love ourselves.

Ladies, we can only imagine how it feels to have a man by your side at night and then to not see or hear from him again.  To hear that voice saying, "he’s probably not attracted to me,"  and hear the same voices convince you that you are not worth much.  To translate what men are trying to say, "you don’t’ love yourself."  Both men and woman agree; if you don’t love yourself you will not get the love that you deserve.

REALITY CHECK.  Just like the movies, there really are two “people” on your shoulders.  A negative voice and a positive voice.  The negative voice is always going to be louder and talk more if you let it.  So choose which one you are going to give the mic too.  Because if you choose incorrectly, you will never look good enough, make enough money, be smart enough or be pretty or handsome enough to get “the guy or the girl.”

No matter how long we have felt this way, whether you are short, tall, dark, light, a supermodel or not.  If you let the voices in your head define who you are, you will ultimately limit yourself. So if you are not the guy or girl who was blessed with the positive girl/guy, parent or friend; find other sources.  Read more, listen more and ultimately live better. Begin to love who you are. 

“Stop hating yourself for everything that you aren’t and start loving yourself for everything that you are.”
“If you don’t love yourself you will always be chasing people that don’t love you either.”

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